ATMA BODHAM : (68 verses, 9 Chapters) - “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF” - 6.

Chapter 2
Verses 2-5 (4 no.)

VERSE 3: As Light – the Sole Remover of Darkness

A-virodhi-tayaa karma na avidyaam vi-ni-vartayet;

vidyaa vidyaam nihanti eva tejah timira-sangha-vat.

1 A-virodhi-tayaa karma Since it is not opposed to action,
2 na avidyaam vi-ni-vartayet; Ignorance cannot destroy its (effects);
3 vidyaa vidyaam nihanti eva Knowledge alone can destroy ignorance,
4 tejah timira-sangha-vat. as light alone can remove darkness.

The Place of Action in Spirituality :-

The question arises, “What place does action have in the spiritual process?” Action has proven itself to be invaluable in the development of this world. Through action we can
realize so many of our dreams. It needs action to build roads, buildings, dams, power stations, etc. It was action that took man to the moon. It is action that makes this world run.

So why can action not have a place in spiritual transformation as well?

Sri Shankaracharya must have given this question serious thought before arriving at his conclusion to the contrary. Even considering the startling achievements of action in the
external world, the answer Shankaracharya comes up with is to still place knowledge above action. Here his explanation is given.

We start with ignorance; it is what pervades our entire life. Because of it, we get identified with the body. We then perform actions to take care of this body. These become our central preoccupation. Very soon we include actions that arise purely from the desires arising through our body identification. Soon we are engulfed in activities, all of which may
be astounding in themselves but which do not take us a single step forward towards God.

When our actions are not fulfilling, we become unhappy. Another series of actions are started to make us happy in the world. That does not succeed. All this is because actions are
rooted in ignorance: they are conceived in ignorance, governed by ignorance, mothered and fathered by ignorance, supported by ignorance – how can it oppose ignorance when
ignorance is so rooted in it?

And how can a handmaid of ignorance be the cause of destroying ignorance? Actions are not in opposition to ignorance and can, therefore, never overcome ignorance.

We need to turn to something that is the ‘enemy’ of ignorance. That is knowledge.

Anything that we DO will only strengthen our ignorance. Since actions have identification with the Upaadhis as their basis, they will only strengthen our ignorance. On the other hand, knowledge is in direct opposition to ignorance. It is the only thing that stands a chance to destroy ignorance. If ignorance is the root of our bondage, then knowledge must surely be the only means to liberate us.

That is the essence of this verse.

Example of Light Destroying Darkness:

A strikingly appropriate analogy is given by Sri Shankaracharya. If one has entered a cave and there is pitch-black darkness, the only way to get rid of it is bring in some light, and
the darkness vanishes instantly.

If people in the cave decide to try other methods what would happen?

They may decide to “sweep away” the darkness. They get a broom for the purpose, but it does nothing to get rid of the darkness. Another suggestion they try is to “wash out” the darkness with water. That, too, fails hopelessly. Only light overcomes darkness because it is in direct opposition to it.

This is why it is knowledge alone that would help ultimately to get rid of the darkness of ignorance. Any amount of action will not directly cancel ignorance.

Acharyaji concluded with poetic elegance : -

“Yes, we can crown Action the Queen of the world for the awesome role it plays in transfiguring our material world, but the King of the world has to be Knowledge!”

To be continued


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