ATMA BODHAM : (68 verses, 9 Chapters) - “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF” -5.


Chapter 2
Verses 2-5 (4 no.)

VERSE :- As Fire – the Direct Cause for Cooking

Bodhah anya-saadhane-bhyah hi
saakshaat moksha eka saadhanam;
paakasya vanhi-vat jnaanam
vinaa mokshah na sidhyati.

1 Bodhah anya-saadhane-bhyah hi = In comparison with other means, knowledge, indeed,

2 saakshaat moksha eka saadhanam; = is the single direct means for Liberation.

3 paakasya vanhi-vat jnaanam =  As fire is for cooking, so is knowledge -

4 vinaa mokshah na sidhyati. = without it Liberation is not possible.

Discussion :

1. The subject matter begins from this verse: Knowledge of the Self. Here we have a comparison between Self-knowledge and all the other forms of Sadhana practised by
seekers. Why is such a high place given to Knowledge? Why is there preference given to this Sadhana over all the rest?

The answer is that Self-knowledge is the direct means to attain the Self. This means it leads one directly to the result without any other intermediate means required. In other
words, it has a direct connection with the result, and no other means is necessary.

This is very much like a person who has a direct link with the Prime Minister and who therefore does not need to go via anybody else to get to him.

2. Mokshaika Saadhanam : -means “the prime means for Liberation”. If we know and understand what the Self is, we will see that this is merely pointing out a fact. It is not
making an assessment of any other practiceor form of Sadhana.

3. It is simply stating a fact : - that knowledge of the Self is the essential cause to bring about Liberation or Self-realisation.

4. This makes knowledge independent, self-sufficient, and complete in itself as a means for Liberation. Once the knowledge has come, the result is sure to follow. The
distance between me and liberation is bridged by knowledge. No kilometers are meant here. As soon as knowledge dawns, Liberation IS!

Misunderstanding the Comparison : -

There is a category of Vedantins who use this verse to place themselves above those who follow other Sadhanas. Acharyaji warned us in no uncertain terms of this danger. It is
the very anti-thesis of Vedanta to arrogate oneself in this manner. Such people have done a great dis-service to Vedanta, and are responsible for the bad name it has among the public.

As mentioned earlier, it is only stated as a fact that knowledge is essential for liberation. But every element of the process of reaching knowledge is to be respected. There
are Bahir-Anga Sadhanas (external means) and there are Antar-Anga Sadhanas (inner means). Both are needed according to the stage of one’s development. The Bahir eventually
brings one to the Antar Sadhana. No disrespect is meant in this verse for those who are practising the Bahir Sadhanas.

The verse tells us that the journey to Self-discovery goes through many stations. The penultimate station is knowledge. The train heading for Liberation has to go through the
station of knowledge. That is stated as a fact. No superiority or inferiority is intended in this verse.

Since the disease is ignorance, it is only knowledge that will remove the disease. And that knowledge is available to all who are on the journey to the Self, as the last station that
they have to pass through.

When it is said that Matric is essential to gain entry into University, it does not mean that those in earlier standards are wasting their time. When they get to Matric they will
become eligible for University. That is the spirit of this verse.

The Example of Cooking : -

3. A better example would be hard to find. This perfectly fits the needs of the point being made. Cooking needs many items before it can begin : -

a) The food items are first brought. Has the cooking begun? No.
b) The foods are placed in a pot. Has the cooking begun? No.
c) The pot is placed on the pit prepared for the fire. Has cooking begun? No.
d) The firewood is brought and placed under the pot. Has cooking begun? No.
e) The matches are brought. Has cooking begun? No.
f) When the match is struck and the firewood lit, has cooking begun? YES! It is because fire is the direct means to cause cooking.

Now we do the same analysis for liberation : -

a) Karma Yoga is started. Has liberation come? No.
b) Chitta Shuddhi is developed. Has liberation come? No.
c) Upasana or devotional worship has begun. Has liberation come? No.
d) Chitta Ekagrata or one-pointedness of mind has been developed. Has liberation come? No.
e) Sadhana Chatushtaya has started. Has liberation come? No.
f) Guru Upasadana (approaching one’s Guru) has started. Has liberation come? No.
g) Sravana and Manana have been done. Has liberation come? The answer is still no.
h) Then Nididhyasana has started. Has liberation come? YES!

It is now coming. The knowledge ripens into realization or Samadhi. The Brahmakara Vritti “I am Brahman” raised in Nididhyasana takes one to the point of realization. This is the dawn of knowledge of the Self. The knowledge has become crystal clear and so nothing intervenes between it and liberation.

This does not mean that all the previous steps were a waste of time! They were all needed, in the cooking as well as in the attainment of liberation. But, as the essential factor
in cooking was to have the fire (heat), so too, the essential factor in liberation is to have knowledge.


To be continued ...


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