ATMA BODHAM “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF” : Mantram 43 - Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya.



Sunday, August 07,  2022. 08:40.

(68 Slokam-s in 9 Chapters)



Slokam- 43: As the Sunrise Clears Darkness

"Arunena iva bodhena poorva-san-tamase hrite; 
tat aavir-bhavet aatmaa  swayam eva amshumaan iva." 

Translation :

1 Arunena iva bodhena               = As by the lord of early dawn, so too, it is by knowledge –

2 poorva-san-tamase hrite;          = the former dispels the darkness existing before dawn;

3 tat aavir-bhavet aatmaa so too,   = (ignorance is dispelled) when the Self rises

4 swayam eva amshumaan iva.     = of its own accord, just like the sun.


Commentary :

“Aruna-Amshuman” Simile: The Dawn & Rising Sun

In this exquisite simile of sunrise, we see the same process from another angle. 

In the minutes before sunrise, the dense darkness of the sky lightens up slowly until the sky has a reddish glow to it. 

This period, called dawn or ‘aruna’, symbolizes the period of intense meditation when the darkness of ignorance is being gradually removed.


As the process advances and the skies turn red and then orange, the sun rises of its own accord, as it were, bringing on the bright day.

 Nothing needs to be done to the sun toreveal it. 

The darkness had to be removed by Sadhana to usher in the state of illumination  of the Self. 


“When the egocentric existence in us, that obstructs the vision of the Self, is falsified by constant and diligent meditation, the vision of the true Self arises in all its glory” – Pujya Swami Chinmayanandaji.


The removal of the darkness of the sky is itself due to the approaching presence of the sun. 

There is nothing that is being done to brighten the sky. 

True, we have compared that to meditation, but meditation is a state of ‘being’, not of ‘doing’. 

As Sadhana progresses and the dirt clears away, the mental ‘sky’ becomes brighter and brighter. 

The revelation of the Self is inevitable. It comes of its own accord.


In this way, Sri Shankaracharyaji, a great lover of nature with a keen observation, conveys to us another great Truth to inspire us into the practice of deep meditation, when only Awareness alone clears away the dross and leads naturally to Self-illumination.


Next -
Mantram 44: As the Missing Necklace
To be continued ...



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