ATMA BODHAM “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF” : Mantram 43 - Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya.

======================================================================= ======================================================================= Sunday, August 07, 2022. 08:40. (68 Slokam-s in 9 Chapters) B. EMERGING OUT OF IGNORANCE: Mantras : (40-46) ================================================================ Slokam- 43: As the Sunrise Clears Darkness "Arunena iva bodhena poorva-san-tamase hrite; tat aavir-bhavet aatmaa swayam eva amshumaan iva." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Translation : 1 Arunena iva bodhena = As by the lord of early dawn, so too, it is by knowledge – 2 poorva-san-tamase hrite; = the former dispels the darkness existing before dawn; 3 tat aavir-bhavet aatmaa so too, = (ignorance is dispelled) when the Self rises 4 swayam eva amshumaan iva. = of its own accord, ...