ATMA BODHAM “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF” : Mantram 41 - Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya.



Wednesday, April 13,  2022. 06:00.

(68 Slokam-s in 9 Chapters)

Chapter - 7 : Mantrams 38-53 (16 no.) : “Towards REALISATION”




MANTRAM-42: As Fire Kindled in the Arani.

1 Evam atma aranau dhyanam 2 athane satatam krite;  
3 udita avagati-jwala  4 sarva ajnanen-dhanam dahet. 


Translation :

1 Evam atma aranau dhyanam       =Thus, in the Arani of the Self, meditation
2 athane satatam krite;                     = is done constantly as churning in the Arani;
3 udita avagati-jwala                          =in the fire of knowledge that arises,
4 sarva ajnanen-dhanam dahet.    =all the fuel of ignorance gets burned.


Commentary :

“Atma Aranau” Nyaya: The Fire-maker Simile


This is an example from Vedic times. People used to make a fire by using a
contraption made of a wooden rod rotated between two wooden hemispherical-shaped sockets (called ‘arani’; for two aranis the Samskrit dual form ‘aranau’ is used), with a piece of cotton in one of them. The rotation, similar to the action of churning, would produce heat by friction until the cotton ball caught alight. The ball would then be used to start the fire.

The application of this analogy is as follows: The two hemispherical sockets are the lower ego and the higher Self. They are ‘churned’ with the Mahavakya rod of “I am Brahman”. The fire of Knowledge that is generated by this churning process of meditation, ignites the cotton ball of ignorance.

“Meditation fans it into a conflagration in which all our misconceptions and ignorance are burnt down” – from Kaivalyopanishad.


Next : Mantram- 43: As the Sunrise Clears Darkness

To be continued ....



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