ATMA BODHAM “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF” : Mantram 40 - Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya. Reflections by SWAMI GURU BHAKTANANDA. Chinmaya Mission.



Tuesday, December 28, 2021. 6 : 00 AM..


(68 Slokam-s in 9 Chapters)

Chapter - 7 : Mantrams 38-53 (16 no.) : “Towards REALISATION”


The State of Realisation :


The destruction of the mind has taken place in the previous verse. That is the dawn of Realisation! What follows are observations from that privileged platform. From here till the end of the text we have exquisite descriptions of the state of God-realisation, given by a God-realised sage of the highest order – Sri Shankaracharyaji.


The descriptions defy further comment, and are left largely to speak for themselves; for each soul to interpret according to his growth and inner inspirations. Acharyaji’s comments are faithfully produced for these Mantras.


(B. “Emerging out of Ignorance :  Mantras  40 to 46. (7 no.) 

Mantram-40 : The All-Full Infinite State.


Mantram-40 :

1 "Roopa-varna-adikam sarvam 2 vihaaya paramaartha-vit; 

3 pari-poorna chidaananda 4 swaroopena avatishthate."


Translation :

1 Roopa-varna-adikam sarvam    =  All identifications with form, colour, etc,

2 vihaaya paramaartha-vit;           =  are discarded by one who has realized the Self.

3 pari-poorna chidaananda          =  As the all-full Infinite Consciousness and Bliss,

4 swaroopena avatishthate.          =  He dwells as its very embodiment.


Commentary :

Class comments on this section are more to give us, the students, some idea of the state of God-intoxication, which of course is our goal, and therefore totally relevant to our interest. All the students of the Course have this as their aim in varying degrees. Hence, although the state is not our experience as yet, it is of great relevance to know as much as possible from a loved, respected and experienced source such as Acharyaji.


Self-Realisation: A Comparison

Earlier in Tattva Bodha we had learnt of the three states of Reality. They are:

i) Pratibhashika: the dream state;

ii) Vyavaharika: the normal, waking state; and

iii) Paramarthika: the Absolute or God-realised state.


We recall this now because of a comparison we are about to make to grasp the Godrealised state, at least intellectually.

3-4 We are all familiar with the shift from dream state to waking state and how the dream world is completely destroyed upon waking up. In a not too dissimilar manner, may be seen the shift from the waking state to the God-realised state. At the least, that is one point to start from in comprehending this otherwise inexplicable state.

1 This mantram directly tells us that the waking state is ‘discarded’. The waking state is an experience of perceptions of names and forms. All such identifications are discarded in the same way as we discard our dream objects upon waking. Roopa-Varna-Adi: i.e. “forms, colours, etc.” This term is used here for names and forms. They are the five fields of the five sense organs. In effect they stand for the whole manifested universe.

Coming to our level, Acharyaji urged us never to give up the practice of meditation. Sitting erect and alert, we should stick to our daily practice firmly, keeping the body absolutely still. With that practice we have to be attentive about all other details of our life, following the Sattwic life-style of the Ashram in all details.


The “Chitta Shuddhi Chart” in Sadhana

In order to place us onto the path of Sadhana, Acharyaji has taken great pains to introduce the “Chitta Shuddhi Chart” which resembles the spiritual diary. Every Ekadashi Day a Chitta Shuddhi Workshop is held in order to reinforce the cultivation of certain key virtues. Acharyaji gives us notes on these virtues, extracted from Swami Sivananda’s book, How to Cultivate Virtues and Eradicate Vices. Thus far we have incorporated the following virtues into our Diary, as listed in the Geeta, chapter 12: Absence of hatred, friendliness, compassion, ego-lessness, ‘mine’-lessness, equanimity, forbearance, and forgiveness (in that order). 

A virtue is added at each workshop and discussed by the class. In this way a ractical form is given to this highly theoretical portion of the text.

Besides these virtues, Acharyaji has also introduced the daily repetition of the Gayatri Mantra. A Japa mala was given to each student. Then a Bhagavad Gita was given, so that regular reading of Geeta verses can be done.

2 All this is being done to build up and maintain the highest level of purity or Sattwa in our mind. Through these measures, Acharyaji helps us practically to develop spiritually so that we are able to understand abstract verses such as this one and the ones to follow.



Next : Mantram - 41: The Implications of Non-Duality

To be continued ....



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