ATMA BODHAM “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF” : Mantram 39 - Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya. Reflections by SWAMI GURU BHAKTANANDA. Chinmaya Mission.


Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya : KEDARNATH


Saturday, November 13, 2021. 6 : 00 AM..

(68 Slokam-s in 9 Chapters)

Chapter - 7 (“Towards REALISATION”) Mantras  38-53 (16 no.) 

Mantram-39 : Total Abidance in the Self.



1 Aatmani eva akhilam drishyam 2 pravilaapya dhiyaa sudheeh;

3 bhaavayet ekam aatmaanam, 4 nirmala-aakaasha-vat sadaa.


Translation :

1 Aatmani eva akhilam drishyam  =  The entire world of perception should, in the Self,

2 pravilaapya dhiyaa sudheeh;     =  be merged by the wise one with intelligence.

3 bhaavayet ekam aatmaanam,     =  He should think of the one Self

4 nirmala-aakaasha-vat sadaa.      =  as being ever uncontaminated like Space always.


Commentary :

Complete abidance in the Self is being described in this verse. With the right attitude

or Bhava towards the external world, one can successfully progress past the four obstacles

stage described in the previous verse commentary, which resembles a ‘stalemate’ situation.

This verse also gives us some idea of the power that the intellect develops at this advanced

stage of spiritual progress, due to the purity of the soul.

A Glimpse of “Drishti-Srishti Vada” :


Mantram : 1 Aatmani eva akhilam drishyam 2 pravilaapya dhiyaa sudheeh;

1-2 : The feeling is held that the entire world is none other than oneself – it is not

apart from ‘me’. The process may also be described as “dissolving the world with one’s

intellect.” The process initiated here is of seeing the world as a thought (i.e. the DrishtiSrishthi Vada). 

The world as an external object is abandoned, and in its place the world is

viewed as a projection within the mind. Everything happens in the mind. This is quite a

powerful model of viewing Reality. It cuts out many variables that would otherwise need to

be considered. Since the world is seen as unreal, what difference does it make to eliminate

it from the equation altogether, and incorporate it into the mind? This view of the problem

localizes everything into one’s own mind. One’s mind becomes the only variable to be dealt

with – it is as simple as that.

That is the approach taken for this final stretch of the journey.

Mantram :4 nirmala-aakaasha-vat sadaa.

4 : Purity of mind is the most essential requirement at this stage. The slightest

impurity could lead one into numerous dangers such as delusions of one becoming the ruler

of the world, etc. Purity translates here into total desirelessness. Even a tinge of desire could

spoil everything. Therefore, remaining ‘uncontaminated’ is a key qualification for succeeding

in this practice.



MANTRAM - 40: The All-Full Infinite State


Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya : KEDARNATH




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