ATMA BODHAM “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF” : Mantram 37 - Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya. Reflections by SWAMI GURU BHAKTANANDA. Chinmaya Mission.


Tuesday, August 17, 2021. 7 : 57. AM..
(68 Slokam-s in 9 Chapters)
Chapter 6 - “The Birth of the EGO” - Sloka-s 25-37 (13 no.)
Mantram-37. As Medicine Destroys Diseases


Mantram-37. As Medicine Destroys Diseases

1 Evam nirantara-krita, or Evam nirantara-abhyastaa   2 brahma eva asmi iti vaasanaa; 
3 harati avidyaa-vikshepaan  4 rogaan iva rasaayanam.  ||37|| 

Translation :

1 Evam nirantara-krita, or Evam nirantara-abhyastaa = Thus, by constant, endless practice of the 
2 brahma eva asmi iti vaasanaa;                                  = thought “I am Brahman”, the impression created 
3 harati avidyaa-vikshepaan                                        =  destroys ignorance and mental agitations, 
4 rogaan iva rasaayanam.                                            =  just as medicine destroys diseases. 

Commentary :

From verse 25 to 37 we have journeyed from a state of “indiscriminate mixing” productive of the most serious of all blunders in human evolution, to the serene state of  infinite peace and purity that transcends all duality. What a vast ground to have covered! And where did all this take place? 

1-3 In that crucible or laboratory of all thought processes – the human intellect. We have used intellect for its highest purpose: to establish the “I am Brahman” thought as a counter-Vasana in the causal body to eradicate ignorant Vasanas. This is done by sheer untiring effort of great magnitude, prolonged in time, concentrated in thought, focused in clarity, and imbued with devotion and love for God. Under these conditions (known as Abhyasa) we have seen how it is possible to make a diametrical shift from the delusion of ignorance to the firm conviction of knowledge. This is the definition of “constant practice” used in this Mantram. 

The Nyaya of “Roganiva Rasayanam”: Medicine Destroys Diseases :

4 In this laboratory has been produced the medicine that destroys the most widespread of diseases that perplexes humanity - IGNORANCE. 

To produce a medical cure takes a long time. Much research is needed to analyse information as well as various chemical processes. To then produce the medicine requires more laborious effort, trying to get the best conditions to carry out the chemistry needed to produce it. Thus this simile fits excellently in describing the laborious effort or Abhyasa that we need to put in to bring us to the threshold of spiritual illumination. 

Since the disease here is of the nature of ignorance, the cure produced is of the nature of knowledge. 

Knowledge is the only antidote for ignorance, even as medicine is the only cure for disease. The knowledge is obtained from hearing it, no doubt, but much else goes into it from that point onward in overcoming doubts, and undergoing further purification in thinning out the strength of old impressions that contradict this knowledge. 

Vedantic Cure Compared With Other Cures :

This work is well and aptly represented by the medicine analogy. One can use a medicine that will just get rid of the symptoms of the disease; this gives temporary relief from the disease. Then one can get a medicine that goes to the root of the disease and “roots it out”. This may take longer, but it is more effective in the long run. Similarly, in the comparison with a spiritual cure, the Vedantic medicine goes to the very root of all diseases, namely, ignorance or Avidya itself. A treatment at any other level will only bring temporary relief from the symptoms. 

Even the method of administering the medicine bears resemblance to the spiritual method used. The Ayurvedic doctor will give you a long list of what you must do or not do during the treatment. Then he will tell you exactly when to take the medicine and how much to take. When all these conditions are fulfilled, the resulting cure is certain. It is the same in spirituality. The do’s and don’ts of Yama and Niyama are standard in the ‘spiritual industry’. Regularity in meditation is the frequency of intake. The dosage is how concentrated one can be during the period spent in meditation. 

When all these conditions are met, the cure is assured without any doubt. This is Vedanta’s gift to the world. No other system goes so deep as Vedanta does. 

Next : Chapter - 7 (“Towards REALISATION”) Mantras  38-53 (16 no.) 
To be continued ....



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