ATMA BODHAM “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF” : Mantram 36 - Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya. Reflections by SWAMI GURUBHAKTANANDA. Chinmaya Mission.

Sunday, July 11, 2021. 6 44. AM..
(68 Slokam-s in 9 Chapters)
Chapter 6 - “The Birth of the EGO” - Sloka-s 25-37 (13 no.)
Mantram-36. This is What I Am!

Mantram-36. This is What I Am!

"Nitya, shuddha, vimuktaikam,  akhanda-aanandam advayam;

satyam jnaanam anantam yat param brahma aham eva tat."


Translation :

1 Nitya, shuddha, vimuktaikam, = Eternal, pure, ever-liberated and One;

2 akhanda-aanandam advayam; = Bliss, and non-dual;

3 satyam jnaanam anantam yat  = Existence, Knowledge and Infinite;

4 param brahma aham eva tat.  = I am verily that Supreme Brahman.


Commentary :

4 Again an assertion is made as to who we really are. And again we have nine qualities painted before us in a panorama of exquisite beauty.


1-2 To contemplate on these thoughts is the way to directly experience the Self. This concludes the Nididhyasana or meditation upon the Self. In the process, we have unearthed the richest of spiritual treasure. The Brahma Nishtha sage drinks his fill of these qualities as though they are nectar to him.


Since beginning the quest for perfection from verse 30, starting with the doctrine of negation, we have completed all the three Lakshanas or definitions or pointers to the Self. This verse gives the final, Swaroopa Lakshana, the direct pointer to the Self by telling us what It actually is.


3 Satyam, Jnaanam, Anantam: This is a very familiar Upanishadic statement appearing in the Taittiriya Upanishad, and dealt with in great detail in Sri Shankaracharyaji’s Bhashya on that Upanishad. Here, Sri Shankara repeats the words as they are the most eloquent expression to describe the nature of the Self.


As we shall see when studying the Upanishad, Satyam affirms Brahman by negating non-existence; Jnaanam affirms It by negating inertness; and Anantam affirms It by negating incompleteness. In this way we have the most comprehensive description of the nature of the Supreme Truth.


The next mantram explains the impact of this experience on him.


Next - Mantram 37. As Medicine Destroys Diseases.
To be continued ....



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