ATMA BODHAM “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF” : 29 - Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya.



Monday, October   12, 2020. 08 : 29. AM.. 


(68 Slokam-s in  9 Chapters)

Chapter 6 - “The Birth of the EGO” - Sloka-s 25-37 (13 no.)


Slokam - 29: As a Lighted Lamp Illumines Itself


Slokam - 29: As a Lighted Lamp Illumines Itself.

"1 Swa-bodhe na anya-bodhecchhaa  2 bodha-roopa-tayaa aatmanah; 

3 na deepasya anya-deepecchhaa  4 yathaa swaatma prakaashane."


Translation :

1 Swa-bodhe na anya-bodhecchhaa   =  To know the Self, needs no other knowledge,

2 bodha-roopa-tayaa aatmanah; for,  =  one’s own Self is of the form of knowledge.

3 na deepasya anya-deepecchhaa      =  A lighted lamp does not need another lamp,

4 yathaa swaatma prakaashane.        =  to make it visible as it illumines itself.


Discourse :

As an introduction to this verse, Acharyaji placed the discussion in its overall context in the following words.

We cannot avoid the reflection of consciousness. It is the way we have been created. We cannot change that, and we will get nowhere if we deny this fact. All we can do is to say that we are not the Jiva, the individualized being. Our strategy for escaping from our selfmade prison is to dissociate ourselves from the body, mind and intellect as much as possible. Therein lies our only practical recourse for liberating ourselves.

If we did not have the “I”-sense there would be no problem in the first place. But it has happened like that, it is unavoidable. So the only way out is to feel we are the Supreme Self, and not this Jiva. In this process our greatest instrument to accomplish this is the intellect. We have to use its power of analysis, of thought construction, of decision and command over the rest of the body’s components to the ultimate.

In this verse we are given the assurance that once we have done that part of the Sadhana, using the intellect, the Self will reveal itself to us. It is not in need of ‘any other lamp’ to show itself to us.

The Example: “Na Deepasya Anyadeepeccha”

There is no need for another lamp to light one that is already lit. In the same way there is no need for anything to light the Self, that is, reveal the Self to us, because the Self has this capacity built into it. It is self-luminous.

When all the things that conceal the Self from us are removed, It shines forth by Itself. All our Sadhana is to undo all the harm that has already been done in numberless births of ignorant living. Once we can grasp with our intellect the knowledge of the condition of the entrapped Jiva, then alone can we take the steps to remove the veils one by one, and permit the Self to shine through.



Slokam - 30 : The Negation of All Conditionings

To be continued ...



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