ATMA BODHAM “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF” : 22 - Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya




(68 Slokam-s in  9 Chapters)

Chapter - 5 :  AN ERROR OF MISAPPREHENSION (Slokam-s 15 – 24)

Slokam-s 15-24 (10 Numbers.)



VERSE 22: As Tremblings Are Attributed to Moon


"Ajnaanaat maanasa upaadheh, kartritva-aadini cha aatmani; 

kalpyante ambugate chandre, chalana-aadi yathaa ambhasah." 
 Translation :

1 Ajnaanaat maanasa upaadheh    = Due to ignorance, that which belongs to the mind,
2 kartritva-aadini cha aatmani;     = the agency of actions, etc, is attributed to the Self;
3 kalpyante ambugate chandre    = just as attributed to the moon reflected in water
4 chalana-aadi yathaa ambhasah. = are the tremblings, etc, which belong to water.
Discourse :

1-2 The purpose of this set of verses (18 – 22) is to enhance our ability to observe ourselves as being witness of the frenzied activity we are engaged in or we see in our own realms daily. Clearly, the author finds it important to stress the development of this skill as he is certain that without it no headway can be made in our understanding of the Self.

3-4 For this reason, this verse picks up another common flaw in our understanding of daily life. We see “tremblings” or agitations in our world on a daily basis, and we are given to see them as the quality of our own self. If we can stand back and be a witness of these agitations that occur in our external circumstances, then we will gradually learn not to identify ourselves with them for they are not from our true Self.

We cannot claim to be witness to our actions and also be affected by them to the extent that we are moved around like toys by them. The development of detachment is the skill called for in this verse, to cultivate the greater skill of remaining a witness.

“Chandre Chalanadi Yathambhasa” – The Moon’s Reflections

Once again a child is our observer in the simile. A child sees the perfect reflection of the moon on a calm day in the puddle of water outside the house. Then a leaf falls into the puddle. The moon’s reflection gets fragmented. The child runs inside the house excitedly to tell his mother, “Look, mummy, the moon is broken!”

Both the direct moonlight as well as the reflected moonlight are unaffected by the turbulences in the puddle of water. Yet, to the child they seem to have “broken the moon”, and he takes immediate steps to run and fix it. Nor is the moonlight affected by any dirt or mud in the puddle. The moonbeams remain pristinely pure.

This is how we are often affected by little disturbances in our life. Every movement disturbs our balance, and we react thoughtlessly to rectify it. If we developed a little of the witness-consciousness which is being taught here, we would not react in haste. Calm observation may be the best way to resolve a disturbing situation. By observation, we come in touch with a part of our being that is truer than the superficial self (ego).

To be continued ...



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