ATMA BODHAM : 18 - (68 Slokam-s, 9 Chapters) - “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF” : Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya

Chapter - 5 :  AN ERROR OF MISAPPREHENSION (Verses 15 – 24)
Slokam-s 15-24 (10 Numbers.)

SLOKAM -18 : As a King – Distinct from the Crowd

"Deha indriya manah buddhih prakriti-bhyah vi-lakshanam;
tad-vritti saakshinam vidyaat aatmaanam raja-vat sadaa."
Meaning by words :

1 Deha indriya manah buddhih - The body, senses, mind and intellect –
2 prakriti-bhyah vi-lakshanam; - constitute Prakriti or matter; distinct from them,
3 tad-vritti saakshinam vidyaat - and known to be their witness,
4 aatmaanam raja-vat sadaa. is - the Atman or Self, always like the King.
Translation of Slokam :

"The body, senses, mind and intellect – constitute Prakriti or matter; distinct from them, and known to be their witness, the Atman or Self, always like the King."
Discussion :

What is Witness-ship?

Quite early in our study, in the Tattva Bodha we came across the reference to the Witness of the three states of waking, dream and deep sleep. That Witness was said to be the Self. It was a Tataksha Lakshana of the Self (definition by using something “nearby” to point to the real thing). Here we are introduced to the practice of being a witness to the five
sheaths (i.e. the three bodies).

The essential quality of being a witness is to remain “uninvolved”. A witness in a court of law has to be someone who saw what happened, but from a neutral perspective, not taking any sides. Similarly, being a witness to our three bodies requires us to consciously remain neutral and not take sides, either towards likes or towards dislikes.

That “ininvolvement” is only possible if we see ourselves as NOT being these sheaths, that is, we see them as instruments we are using, but not identified with them in any way. “They are ours, we are not them”. That is the requirement for being a witness.

“Rajavat Sada” Simile: Distinct Like a King

What simile can reflect this witness-ship better than a King who, simply by his presence among his ministers, gets them to do their job with perfect loyalty. If it is announced that the King is coming to a certain place, without any effort from the King, all the necessary arrangements for his visit are made automatically and people gather there in their thousands.

This air of authority, respect and confidence which the King instills in his subjects merely by his presence, is what Sri Shankaracharya wishes to convey by choosing a King as
the simile for the Self in this verse.

With the Self simply being present, all the Devatas, like a King’s ministers, go about their duties with 100% loyalty, controlling every function in the universe. Nobody can bribe
God’s appointed Devatas to do them small favours. The Self has full confidence in the Devatas He has chosen to do His work.

A King with such faithful ministers can sleep peacefully. His kingdom runs smoothly and efficiently. He is not called upon to interfere in the state affairs. He remains a perfect
witness of all state matters. Even so, the Self remains ever-peaceful and detached, being the supreme Reality behind all manifestations in the universe.
NEXT :Slokam -19 : As the Moon – Appearing to Run
To be continued ....


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