ATMA BODHAM : 17 - (68 Slokam-s, 9 Chapters) - “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF”

Chapter 5
Slokam-s 15-26 (12 Numbers.)


"sadaa sarvagato.apyaatmaa na sarvatraavabhaaste .
buddhaavevaavabhaaseta svachchheshhu pratibimbavat" .. 17

Pada Artha:

Sadaa: always
Sarvagataha: all pervading
Api: although
Atmaa: the Self
Na: not
Sarvatra: everywhere
Avabhaasate: shines
Budhyav: in the intellect
Eva: only
Avabhaasate: manifests
Swacheshu: in the transparent surface
Pratibimbavat: just as the reflection

The Atman does not shine in everything although He is All-pervading. He is manifest only in the inner equipment, the intellect (Buddhi): just as the reflection in a clean mirror.

In the previous slokam-s we learnt that the Atman is all pervading and all the duality on the world are just an illusions superimposed on Self. Here Sri Sri Shankara is explaining that the Atman though infinite and all pervading is manifested only by the inner equipment. Though it is available by cognition of all objects, only in pure intellect can the true nature of Self be realized.

As we know, all surfaces have reflecting property, but we can see our reflection very clearly only in a clean mirror. Similarly, the reality of Self can be known only through a pure intellect alone. The Mind and intellect with all its modifications can reveal the true nature of Atman. The thoughts are just like impurities on a mirror because of which the image is distorted or reflected badly. Hence it is only in serene and pure intellect that the Self is recognized just as we can easily see our image in a clean mirror held steady.

Like the light that is present everywhere but it is perceived only when it falls on an object, Atman though present everywhere is perceived only by a clear intellect. The light was ever present and does not depend only on the object for its existence. Similarly, the all pervading Atman is never limited by the Gross and the Subtle bodies but only manifests through them.

Hence though as existence and consciousness, Atman is all pervading, it is only through the inner equipments that the Atman manifests. Here it maybe doubted as why does not the all pervading atman manifest through all things. Sri Sri Shankara explains this in the next slokam.

To be continued ...



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