ATMA BODHAM : 17 - (68 Slokam-s, 9 Chapters) - “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF”

====================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 13/09/2019 Chapter 5 Slokam-s 15-26 (12 Numbers.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SLOKAM -17. "sadaa sarvagato.apyaatmaa na sarvatraavabhaaste . buddhaavevaavabhaaseta svachchheshhu pratibimbavat" .. 17 Pada Artha: Sadaa: always Sarvagataha: all pervading Api: although Atmaa: the Self Na: not Sarvatra: everywhere Avabhaasate: shines Budhyav: in the intellect Eva: only Avabhaasate: manifests Swacheshu: in the transparent surface Pratibimbavat: just as the reflection The Atman does not shine in everything although He is All-pervading. He is manifest only in the inner equipment, the intellect (Buddhi): just as the reflection in a clean mirror. In the previous slokam-s we learnt that the Atman is ...