ATMA BODHAM : 15 - (68 verses, 9 Chapters) - “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF”

ATMA BODHAM : 15 - (68 verses, 9 Chapters) - “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF”


Chapter 5

Verse 15-26 (12 Numbers.)



VERSE 15: As a Colour Appears in a Crystal

"Pancha kosha-aadi yogena  tat tanmayah iva sthitah;

shuddhaatmaa neela vastra-aadi  yogena sphatikah yathaa."

1 Pancha kosha-aadi yogena = Due to Its closeness with the five sheaths, etc,
2 tat tanmayah iva sthitah; = appearing to be identical with them is the
3 shuddhaatmaa neela vastra-aadi = Pure Self – as in the proximity of blue cloth,
4 yogena sphatikah yathaa. = a clear crystal also appears to be blue.

In this verse the precise distinction between the Self and the sheaths discussed above, is explained using a superb simile.

The main reason for the misplaced identity of the Self is given. The Self is pure and clear. It has no qualities in itself. The qualities all belong to the five sheaths. However, because of the close association of the Self and these sheaths, their qualities appear to get transferred onto the Self, whom we cannot see.

What are these qualities which get transferred to the Self? It is everything that we would attribute to the five sheaths. The list can be quite large but we shall summarise it :

i) From the gross sheath : The gross body is associated with a particular race, a particular type of dress, and certain specific features unique to the race. It can be thin or fat, tall or short, dark or fair, and so on.

ii) From the Subtle Sheaths : The organs of action have their qualities, for example, the language spoken, the customs and traditions followed, the social interaction circle defined by one’s status and wealth, the religious affiliation, and many other unique traits which arise only due to the ignorance of the one Self.

All these qualities are erroneously superimposed on the Self. Something that is pure can take on in every detail the qualities of that which it is associated with.

The “Neela Vastra-adi Yogena” Simile :

The appropriateness of this simile lies in the fact that a crystal is clear (colourless) and perfectly reflects the colour of the light rays falling upon it. Because of its purity and clarity, a crystal will appear to be of the same colour as the cloth on which it is placed.

Just as the crystal is not affected by the colours which surround it, so also the Self is not affected by the qualities which we erroneously superimpose upon it. It remains pure.

The five sheaths have a distinct “colouring” as described earlier, referring to the body and mind associations with race, culture, language, etc. The more the colouring the greater is the impurity. In a very gross mind, the Self is not detected at all. There is no sign of its own purity due to the thick impurity of the sheaths.

In a Sattvic person, the colouring is not so strong. There will still be something of the Self coming through the sheaths. The purity of character will permit the sweet glow of the Self to shine through in such a person.

What is the solution to the problem of wrong identification?

VERSE 16: As Rice Grain is Uncovered

To be continued ..


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