ATMA BODHAM : 12 - (68 verses, 9 Chapters) - “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF”

ATMA BODHAM : 12 - (68 verses, 9 Chapters) - “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF”

Verses 10-14  ( 4.nos ) :
VERSE 12: The Gross Body

"Panchi-krita mahaa-bhoota sambhavam karma sanchitam;

shareeram sukha-duhkhaanaam bhog-aayatanam uchyate."

1 Panchi-krita mahaa-bhoota = From the five elements made after Panchi-Karana;

2 sambhavam karma sanchitam; = determined by one’s own past actions;

3 shareeram sukha-duhkhaanaam = is born this body. Experiencing pleasure and pain

4 bhog-aayatanam uchyate. = through this medium, is said to be its purpose.

Discussion : -

This verse expresses in one concise couplet what was explained at length in verse 6.1 of Tattva Bodha where the Gross Body was defined, under the chapter heading ‘The Three
Bodies’. The content is identical and need not be explained here.

Bhoga Aayatanam: – “Tenement” of Experience : -

The example here is that of a business premises where, at the counter, various transactions take place; goods coming in and goods going out; payments in and payments out; customers in and out. There is a two-way interchange of transactions. Some transactions bring a profit, some bring a loss. It is all part of a day’s work. This simile is meant to represent the gross body’s main function. It is the counter of experiences at which transactions of actions take place daily. There are senses bringing in information from the outer world, and other senses take our responses out to the world.

Good deeds are performed, which earn merit or Punya. This merit is very helpful when accumulated and spent in the right direction to serve the purpose of this human birth.

On the other hand, impure actions are also carried out across the same counter, and these bring a loss or a demerit. It is a loss relative to the spiritual goal, even though it may
actually involve a huge profit in material terms. Demerit is Paapa, and it also contributes to what kind of birth we will have when reborn.

This human body is the only birth in which Paapa and Punya can be earned. In all other births the existing storehouse of Karma has to be worked out with no opportunity for
earning any merits.

Hence, the example of a “tenement” or a “counter” for transactions is most appropriate to describe the function of the gross human body.


NEXT - VERSE 13: The Subtle Body

To be continued ..


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