ATMA BODHAM : 12 - (68 verses, 9 Chapters) - “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF”

ATMA BODHAM : 12 - (68 verses, 9 Chapters) - “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF” 27/03/2019 Chapter-4. Verses 10-14 ( 4.nos ) : VERSE 12: The Gross Body "Panchi-krita mahaa-bhoota sambhavam karma sanchitam; shareeram sukha-duhkhaanaam bhog-aayatanam uchyate." 1 Panchi-krita mahaa-bhoota = From the five elements made after Panchi-Karana; 2 sambhavam karma sanchitam; = determined by one’s own past actions; 3 shareeram sukha-duhkhaanaam = is born this body. Experiencing pleasure and pain 4 bhog-aayatanam uchyate. = through this medium, is said to be its purpose. Discussion : - This verse expresses in one concise couplet what was explained at length in verse 6.1 of Tattva Bodha where the Gross Body was defined, under the chapter heading ‘The Three Bodies’. The content is identical and need not be explained here. Bhoga Aayatanam: – “Tenement” of Experience : - The example here is that of a business premises where, at the counter, various transactions take p...