ATMA BODHAM : (68 verses, 9 Chapters) - “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF” -3.

Anubandha Chatushtaya:

As in the previous book we have studied, namely, Tattva Bodha, it is the usual
practice to give the Anubandha Chatushtaya at the outset of the text. This verse serves that
purpose. The fourfold “Prospectus” announcing the purpose and eligibility for the study of
this book is given as follows:

i) Adhikari: The opening words state for whom this book has been written: “Those
who have purified themselves with austerities, who are peaceful in heart, free from cravings
and desirous of Liberation.” This is the qualification of Sadhana Chatushtaya

ii) Vishaya: The subject is given by the title of the book, Atma Bodha. It is stated at
the very beginning that the subject is Knowledge of the Self, the true inner Self, not the self
which is ignorant and deluded.

iii) Prayojana: The benefit to be obtained from the study of this book is given in the
term “Mumukshunaam”, which tells us that the goal here is Self-realisation. That is the
benefit offered by this book. Liberation is guaranteed for those who are Adhikaris.

iv) Sambandha: Indicated by the word Vidheeyate, meaning “is being composed”;
we have the promise that this book will fulfil the expectations of the student who is seeking
Liberation. It says explicitly that the book is connected with that particular goal.

We have already come across two terms which describe the type of Sambandha:
(i) the Bodhya-Bodhaka Sambandha (text and the goal); and
(ii) the Pratipadya-Pratipadika Sambandha (revealer and the revealed).
Now we introduce a third term which means the same thing:
(iii) the Prakashiya-Prakashaka Sambandha (illuminator and the illumined).

The Sambandha of Atma Bodha to the goal of God-realisation is more accurately
described by the third type, although all three may be used.

The Spiritual Meaning:

Tapas is any Sadhana which is undertaken to make the mind turn inward, to make it
introspective and thereby suitable for inner reflection. This definition clarifies the popular
meaning of the word which is taken to mean severe austerities. It is not what we DO that
describes Tapas, but with what attitude we do it. This is an important distinction. Much of
what passes as Tapas could in fact be pure expression of the ego wanting to gain acclaim in
this manner.

Understanding the word to mean as defined above, such Tapas purifies one of all
impurities. To purify oneself is the object of undergoing any Tapas. Having undergone Tapas,
one gets the necessary purity of mind or Chitta Shuddhi to begin the path of Jnana Yoga or
Vedanta that is to follow in the rest of the text.

To be continued ..


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