ATMA BODHAM “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF”: Mantram - 63 - Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya.

========================================================================================= Monday 14, October 2024, 05:30. (68 Slogas in 9 Chapters) Chapter 8. Slogas - 54-67 (14 no.) “Reveling in FREEDOM” The BLISS of Realisation ========================================================================================== Slogam - 63: As the Unreal Shine of a Mirage: ||63|| 1. Jagad vilakshanam brahma =Brahman is counter-indicated by the universe. 2. brahmanah anyat na kinchana; = There exists nothing other than Brahman. Brahman is counter-indicated by the universe. 3. brahmaanyat bhaati chet mithyaa = If anything other than Brahman shines, it must be unreal, 4. yathaa maru-maree-chikaa. = just as the unreal mirage. =========================================================================================== Slogam - 64: Reality Can Only Be Brahman, the Non-Dual ||64|| 1. Drishyate s...