ATMA BODHAM “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF”: Mantram - 61 - Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya.

========================================================================================= Thursday 22, Jul 2024 05:30. (68 Slogas in 9 Chapters) Chapter 8. Slogas - 54-67 (14 no.) “Reveling in FREEDOM” The BLISS of Realisation B. ATTRIBUTES OF BRAHMAN: (56-62) ====================================================================================== Slogam - 61: The Self-luminous Brahman: 1 Yad bhaasaa bhaasyate arkaadi = By the light of which the sun, etc, are illumined; 2 bhaasyaih yah tu na bhaasyate; = but which is not illumined by those luminous orbs; 3 yena sarvam idam bhaati = that by which all this shines – 4 tat brahma iti ava-dhaarayet. = realize That to be Brahman. =========================================================================================== We are now entering the concluding phase of the text. The nature of the Self is so completely different from anything that we experience in this physical world, that we can...