ATMA BODHAM “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF”: Mantram - 60 - Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya.

========================================================================================= Saturday 13, Jul 2024 05:30. (68 Slogas in 9 Chapters) Chapter 8. Slogas - 54-67 (14 no.) “Reveling in FREEDOM” The BLISS of Realisation B. ATTRIBUTES OF BRAHMAN: (56-62) ========================================================================================== Slogam - 60: The Attribute less Brahman 1 Ananu asthoolam ahrisvam = Neither subtle nor gross; neither short 2 adeergham ajam avyayam; = nor long; without birth and without change; 3 aroopa-guna-varna-aakhyam = without form, attributes colour or change; 4 tat brahma iti ava-dhaarayet. = realize That to be Brahman. ========================================================================================= In case we get the idea from Slogas 57, 58 and 59 that God, beheld in all things, must have some physical characteristics, that idea is destroyed immediately b...