ATMA BODHAM “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF”: Mantram - 59 - Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya.

================================================================================= Friday 26, Apr 2024 05:30. (68 Slogas in 9 Chapters) Chapter 8. Slogas - 54-67 (14 no.) “Reveling in FREEDOM” The BLISS of Realisation B. ATTRIBUTES OF BRAHMAN: (56-62) ================================================================================= Slogam- 59: As Butter Permeates Milk: 1 Tadyuktam akhilam vastu = All objects are pervaded by Brahman. 2 vyavahaarah chid-anvitah; = All actions are possible because of the All-permeating. 3 tasmaat sarvagatam brahma = Therefore, Brahman alone permeates everything, 4 ksheere sarpih iva akhile. = even as butter permeates milk. ================================================================================= 1-2 We have been made aware in the last two verses of the all-pervading nature of the Self, as well as of the immense bliss of experiencing it. Presented in this...