ATMA BODHAM “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF” : Mantram - 57 - Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya.
================================================================ Thursday, 04 Jan 2024 05:30. (68 Slogas in 9 Chapters) Chapter 8 Slogas - 54-67 (14 no.) “Revelling in FREEDOM” The BLISS of Realisation B. ATTRIBUTES OF BRAHMAN: (56-62) Slogam - 57: Method of Negation and Assertion ================================================================ Slogam - 57: Method of Negation and Assertion 1 Atad-vyaa-vritti roopena = By the process of negating what it is not; 2 vedaantaih lakshyate avyayam; = indicated in Vedanta as the Indestructible Substratum; 3 akhand-aanandam ekam yat = which is Indivisible, Blissful and One – 4 tat brahma iti ava-dhaarayet. = realize That to be Brahman. ================================================================ Again the oneness, the indivisibility, is stressed – this time with the inclusion of Bliss, the essential nature of the Self, and the process of negation by whi...