ATMA BODHAM “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF” : Mantram 50. - Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya.

========================================================================= Tuesday, 20 Jun, 2023. 05:30. (68 Mantras in 9 Chapters) C. THE UNIVERSAL ATTITUDE: (47-50) Mantram - 50 -As “Atma Rama” – the Inner Saga of Rama : ========================================================================= Mantram - 50 -As “Atma Rama” – the Inner Saga of Rama : 1 Teertvaa moha-arnavam hatvaa = After crossing the ocean of delusion, killing 2 raga-dvesh-aadi raakshasaan; = the monsters of likes, dislikes, etc, 3 yogee shanti-samaa-yuktah = the Yogi who is united firmly with Peace 4 aatma raamah viraajite. = becomes “Atma Rama”, one who revels in Self. ======================================================================== “There are gems and pearls sprinkled throughout Atma Bodha”, began Acharyaji on this verse, as with great enthusiasm he prepared himself to regale us with another one of those exquisite similes, this time from India’s greatest e...