
Showing posts from April, 2023

ATMA BODHAM “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF” : Mantram 48. - Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya.

Swami Chinmayananda : The world, even if you try to hold on to it, will slip; God, even if you want to leave Him, will not abandon you.  Here is wishing a Happy Vishu to all! Sending lots of love and wishes on this day!  ========================================================================= Sunday, April 16,  2023. 06:00. (68 Mantras in 9 Chapters) C. THE UNIVERSAL ATTITUDE: (47-50) Slokam - 48: The Universal Vision of Self ========================================================================= Slokam - 48: The Universal Vision of Self 1  Aatmaa eva idam jagat sarvam   =  This entire universe is verily the Atman Itself. 2  aatmanah anyat na kinchana;   =  Nothing whatsoever other than Atman exists. 3  mridah yadvat ghat-aadeeni   =  Just as pots, etc, can be said to be only clay, 4  swaatmaanam sarvam eekshate.   =  so, the wise one sees everything as his own Self. =======================...