ATMA BODHAM “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF” : Mantram 47. - Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya.

========================================================================= Friday, March 10, 2023. 06:00. (68 Mantras in 9 Chapters) C. THE UNIVERSAL ATTITUDE: (47-50) Slokam 47: The Vision of the “Eye of Wisdom” ======================================================================== Slokam-47. with translation : 1 Samyak vijnaana-vaan yogee = The perfect Yogi of Realisation and Enlightenment, 2 svaatmani eva akhilam sthitam; = sees “The entire world residing in his own Self”, 3 ekam cha sarvam aatmaanam = and regards “The entire world as his own Self” – 4 eekshate jnaana-chakshushaa. = thus does he behold with his “eye of wisdom”. ======================================================================== Bhashyam (Vyakyanam) : 1 The Yogi here stands for one who is united with his Self. The identity of Jiva and Paramatman is declared to be Yoga. The Yogi, having attained that state, sees with the “Eye...