ATMA BODHAM “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF” : Mantram 38 - Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya. Reflections by SWAMI GURU BHAKTANANDA. Chinmaya Mission.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thursday, September 02, 2021. 6 : 56. AM.. ATMA BODHAM “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF” (68 Slokam-s in 9 Chapters) Chapter - 7 (“Towards REALISATION”) Mantras 38-53 (16 no.) Mantram-38. Meditate Upon Such a Self ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The State of Realisation : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The destruction of the mind has taken place in the previous slokam. That is the dawn of Realisation! What follows are observations from that privileged platform. From here till the end of the text we have exquisite descriptions of the state of God-realisation, given by a God-realised sage of the highest order – Sri Shankaracharyaji. The descriptions defy further comment,...