ATMA BODHAM “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF” : 32 - Swami Sri Adi Sankaracharya.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wednesday, February 24, 2021. 05 :30. AM.. ATMA BODHAM “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF” (68 Slokam-s in 9 Chapters) Chapter 6 - “The Birth of the EGO” - Sloka-s 25-37 (13 no.) NEXT - C. “NETI – NETI” : THE DOCTRINE OF NEGATION (30-33) Mantram - 32 : Beyond Body and Sense Objects (Athatvya-Vritti Lakshanam.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mantram : 32. "Deha anyatvaat na me janma, jaraa akaarshya laya aadayah; shabda-aadi vishayaih sangah nir-indriya tayaa na cha." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trnslation : Deha anyatvaat na me janma = I am other than the body, thus not for me is birth, jaraa akaarshya laya aadayah; = wrinkling, senility, death and so on. shabda-aadi...