ATMA BODHAM : 16 - (68 verses, 9 Chapters) - “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF”

31/07/2019 Chapter 5 Verse 15-26 (12 Numbers.) VERSE 16: "Vapus Tushadibhih Kosaih Yuktam Yuktya Avaghaatatah, Atmanam Antaram Suddham Vivichyaat Tandulam Yatha." "Just as rice is obtained by poundingpaddy and separating the husk, bran etc., wecan separate Pure Atma within from theencircling of Five Kosas through carefuldiscrimination. When one clearly realises thesoul to be distinct from the Kosas, he becomesdetached from them. This detachment isfollowed by knowledge of the self." 1. Just as husking the paddy exposes the grain within ( the rice ) , so also should one judiciously separate the pure Atman from the sheaths covering it . 2. One should , through discrimination , separate the pure and inmost Self from the sheaths by which it is covered , as one separates a rice kernel from the covering husk by striking it with a pestle . 3. Through discriminative self-analysis and logical thinking one should separate the Pure self within from the sheaths as one sepa...