ATMA BODHAM : 13 - (68 verses, 9 Chapters) - “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF”

ATMA BODHAM : 13 - (68 verses, 9 Chapters) - “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF” 18/04/2019 Chapter-4. Verses 10-14 ( 4.nos ) : VERSE 13: The Subtle Body "Pancha praana manah buddhih dasha indriyah saman-vitam; apanchi-krita bhootah uttham sookshma-angam bhoga saadhanam." 1 Pancha praana manah buddhih = The five Pranas, the mind and intellect, 2 dasha indriyah saman-vitam; = together with the ten senses combined; 3 apanchi-krita bhootah uttham = formed from the subtle elements, forms the 4 sookshma-angam bhoga saadhanam = subtle body, the instrument of experience. This verse is a more compact version of 6.2 of Tattva Bodha, on the Subtle Body. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bhoga Sadhanam: “Instrument” of Experience : --------...