ATMA BODHAM : 11 - (68 verses, 9 Chapters) - “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF”

25/02/2019 Chapter 4 : Verses 10-14 (4 no.) : “The UPADHIS or Conditioners” VERSE 11: As Flavours Superimposed in Water 1 Naanaa upaadhi-vashaat eva = Because of its association with different Upadhis, 2 jaati-naam-aashram-aadayah; = the idea of caste, colour, position, etc, 3 aatmani aaropitaah toye = are superimposed upon the Atman; as in water 4 rasa-varna-aadi bheda-vat. = are (superimposed) differences like flavour, colour, etc. This verse continues the theme begun in the last verse, expanding on the effect of the different conditionings or Upadhis in appearing to split Reality into pieces. In the last verse the focus was on finding a solution for the removal of the differences raised by the Upadhis. In this verse we are not looking the solution, but we examine the consequences of the appearance of innumerable differences in day-to-day life resulting from these Upadhis. The Birth of Distinctions in Hum...