ATMA BODHAM : 9 - (68 verses, 9 Chapters) - “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF”

04/01/2019 Chapter 3 : Verses 6-9 (4 no.) : “The Nature of the WORLD” : Verse -6. As a Dream Only! "Samsaarah svapna-tulyah hi raga-dvesha-aadi sankulah; swakaale satya-vat bhaati prabodhe sati asat bhavet." 1 Samsaarah svapna-tulyah hi = The world is truly like a dream only: 2 raga-dvesha-aadi sankulah; = full of its attachment and aversions, and so on. 3 swakaale satya-vat bhaati = While the dream continues, it appears to be real; 4 prabodhe sati asat bhavet. = when we awaken, its unreality is seen. From verse 6 – 9, we shift our attention from the Self and Self-knowledge to the world of appearance of names and forms. 1 Samsara here means the world of transmigration, the world of births and deaths in an endless cycle, which can only be escaped through knowledge of the Self. The characteristic feature of this Samsara is that “it is the realm where one thought is not like the next thought, and thoughts change s...