ATMA BODHAM : (68 verses, 9 Chapters) - “KNOWLEDGE of the SELF” -4.

19/09/2018 4. Forms of Tapas: The study of the Shastras is itself a Tapas, for it removes much of our impurities. The study of the Shastras never goes in vain. Although we may not get the final Aparoksha experience of the Reality, we will still nevertheless benefit by getting acquainted with the knowledge of the Self intellectually. That would be the seed which will sprout when the time is ripe. If the qualification is not there, this study will hasten its arrival. The Paroksha Jnana (intellectual grasp) received from Atma Bodha will fructify at some time. There is no doubt about this. Austerities involve some form of self-denial. There are numerous kinds of Tapas. As already mentioned the common feature of true Tapas is that it must turn the mind within towards contemplation of the Self. The initial fruit is Chitta Shuddhi. This is the criterion for gauging the benefit of Tapas. As Tapas, people undertake certain fasts, like the Chandrayana. In this fast the person star...